Student ID Card & Smart Card
- For new students entering each academic year, the school will make a card for every student.
- In case of a lost student card, contact the administration department to request a new card and pay the fee for issuing a new card.
- Always show your student card in school.
- This card can be used as a student card/cash card/library card/school accident insurance card.
- Show your card every time before entering the exam room and use services in school
- Students will have a cash card when attending school. A fee will be paid for using the card.
- Cash cards can only be used within Srisuvit School to pay for food/goods, and services
Parent ID
- For students who are picked up by their parents, a card will be made for parents, 1 student per 1 card. The photo on the student card must be the same person who picks up the student.
- Show your card every time you pick up students to verify your information and exchange it for a student out-of-school permit card at service point
- In case of a lost student admission card, contact or write a request for a new card. and pay issuance fees at the administrative department
Using a school bus to pick up and send students
The school provides student transportation services covering all routes. A service fee applies according to the distance traveled in the delivery of the student. The school considers the safety of students as a priority.
In notifying the need of the shuttle service for the first time, or to change the pick-up location, parents must inform the administration department or school shop, at least one day in advance, to fill in the details of the boarding-down location.